Couples / Relationship

A young and hopeful couple facing a sunset with the woman's head on the man's shoulder taking in a peaceful moment together after utilizing some of the skills they have learned in couples therapy.

Common Relationship Challenges Addressed in Couples’ Therapy

You and your partner might be wondering, even worried, whether the relationship challenges you two are enduring are rare or common. Perhaps you find that you both can’t stop fighting – and often about the same few topics repeatedly.  Maybe you feel you can’t bring a single thing up without your partner becoming incredibly defensive, […]

Common Relationship Challenges Addressed in Couples’ Therapy Read More »

Man in a plaid shirt in a campervan looking directly at the camera, but also on a video call. He appears to be distraught and searching for men's mental health help.

Taking Charge of Your Mental Health: Explore the Benefits of Online Therapy for Men

Mental health is a critical component of overall well-being, yet many men struggle to prioritize and seek help for their emotional and psychological needs, or even to recognize the benefits of online therapy for men. Whether due to the influence of social stigma, a lack of access to resources, or simply feeling overwhelmed, many men

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The Role of a Marriage Counselor in Resolving Conflict in Relationships

Lately, you find that your relationship is characterized by constant fights, often over the same few topics.  What makes it worse is these same topics seem to be quite silly and insignificant, so that can make them feel that much more annoying and frustrating.  You feel you and your partner have tried everything from tabling

The Role of a Marriage Counselor in Resolving Conflict in Relationships Read More »

Black and white image of a man reaching out her hand to the man standing next to her. Representing a relationship that could benefit seeing a marriage counselor for online marriage counseling in San Diego,CA or Portland, OR.

5 of the Biggest Relationship Enders from a San Diego Marriage Counselor

You might think that doing the right, hard daily work is crucial to having a fulfilling and lasting romantic relationship. The reality is it’s about doing that right, hard work on a moment-to-moment basis. The research tells us that the couples that thrive and survive are the ones who are mindful of each other and

5 of the Biggest Relationship Enders from a San Diego Marriage Counselor Read More »

Image of a couple walking along a brick road. Representing a couple that went to couples therapy in San Diego and found the answer to "what is stonewalling". Who were then able to find techniques against stonewalling with support of a San Diego couples therapist.

What is Stonewalling & How Do You Protect Your Relationship from it?

When our emotions get too intense, one of our natural responses is to shut down. This can manifest as our avoiding making eye contact, not giving our partner any verbal or non-verbal responses, and fleeing the room. This response, called stonewalling, is one of our body’s best attempts to cool down and to return to

What is Stonewalling & How Do You Protect Your Relationship from it? Read More »

Online Couples Therapy: Making the First Call & How it Works

Picking up the phone for the first call for online couples therapy You deserve tremendous credit. You’ve made that first call, or are planning to, to a therapist for online marriage counseling, which is such a courageous and difficult first step. You likely made this choice after months, perhaps even years, of wrestling in your

Online Couples Therapy: Making the First Call & How it Works Read More »

Image of two dogs sitting next to each other looking happy in front of a pink background. Are you struggling in your relationship? As a San Diego couples therapist Jordan can help you find joy and closeness. Reach out and learn how couples therapy in San Diego, CA can help you.

2 Steps to Establishing A Close & Satisfying Relationship

When you and your partner have been so distant, disconnected, and struggling for so long, it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You so desperately want to have that close and satisfying relationship you either once had or know you can have if you only learned the right skills. In this blog, we’ll help you learn 2 easy to learn and implement skills to dramatically improve the quality of your relationship today.

2 Steps to Establishing A Close & Satisfying Relationship Read More »

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