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Therapy for Men With Jordan Zipkin, Licensed Male Therapist    

Therapy for Men in San Diego, California

With Male Therapist, Jordan Zipkin, LMFT

Image of a man screaming & covering his ears. Could you benefit from therapy for men? As a San Diego therapist for men I am dedicated to supporting men's mental health. Reach out today to talk to a male therapist in California.

Are You A Man Who Feels Confused About Your Purpose In Life?

Have you been struggling with obsessive thoughts about work, relationships, and your future? Do you constantly worry that you’ll make the wrong decision in life? Deep down, does it feel like you just don’t know who you are?

Maybe you feel like you just don’t have any greater purpose in life. Perhaps you’re going through a time of deep soul-searching and trying to figure out your future. You may ask yourself:

  • What if I’m at the wrong job?
  • Am I in the wrong relationship?
  • What if I don’t amount to anything in life?

Because of your uncertainty, you may find it hard to slow down and enjoy yourself. All of these doubts and questions can have a negative effect on men’s mental health in San Diego, CA.

The More You Ignore Your Emotional Pain, The Stronger It May Become

As a man in today’s world, you may have been taught to push your feelings down and put on a facade of strength. But the tougher things get, the harder it is to pretend everything is fine. You may use alcohol, drugs, and other unhealthy dependencies to cope with your struggles. But no matter how much you try to numb your pain, it just keeps coming back stronger.

If you wish you had someone you could be vulnerable with who wouldn’t judge you for it, I would be honored to work with you. As a San Diego therapist for men, my goal is to help you get in touch with your emotions, improve your self-esteem, and find your purpose in life.

Our Society Sets Men Up For Emotional Difficulties

Image of a well dressed man typing on a laptop. Start working with a male therapist in California with therapy for men. Men's mental health is important! Start supporting your emotional health with a San Diego therapist for men. Call now!

Let’s face it: We learn to ignore men’s mental health. As men, we are taught that showing emotions is a sign of weakness.  We are taught to suppress them until doing so becomes habitual and automatic. Little wonder, then, that so many of us have trouble regulating our emotions. We aren’t well-practiced enough to recognize or manage them. And if we’re not getting enough practice, our emotions build and build. That is until they reach a crisis point and become all but impossible to handle.

What’s more, our need to be strong makes us hyper-independent and self-reliant. We often like to figure things out ourselves. Especially when it comes to men’s mental health issues. But think about it: in sports, all the greatest athletes have lots and lots of coaches and trainers to help them succeed. We all accept that support as normal, so why should men’s mental health be any different?

As a male therapist in California, I want to help you achieve peak mental and emotional performance. Sometimes you can’t do everything yourself, and that’s okay. Therapy for men is a chance to find strength in being vulnerable and leaning on someone else for support.

Therapy for Men Can Help You Get In Touch With Your Values And Find Your Purpose

Image of a man in a colorful Hawaiian shirt smiling. As a male therapist in California I am trying to change the narrative on men's mental health. That is why I offer therapy for men in San Diego, CA. Get support from a San Diego therapist for men. Call today!

It takes a lot of courage to be honest about your emotions and admit that you’re struggling. I know it’s not easy and that’s why there’s no rush to open up right away. At Stress Solutions, I will meet you wherever you’re at and help you take small steps toward fulfilling your dreams. Together, we’ll work on improving your relationships, being more productive at work, and discovering your life’s purpose.

First and foremost, therapy for men is a chance to develop a different kind of relationship with your emotions. Once you get in touch with them, it becomes much easier to figure out who you are and what you want in life. One of the benefits of being a San Diego therapist for men is that I can help you do a deep dive into your internal world and get in touch with the values that drive you.

What To Expect In A Therapy For Men Session

Although my approach to therapy for men involves a lot of deeper work, it’s also very practical and focused on self-care. Together, we’ll collaborate on both short-term and long-term S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measurable, Adjustable, Realistic, and Time-Based). Fleshing out these goals will allow us to measure progress and track results more easily.

I will also help you practice behaviors that align with your goals and develop the courage to do things differently. For instance, maybe you find yourself at a job that requires you to do things you don’t agree with morally. Or perhaps a relationship of yours feels toxic and is holding you back from your true potential. I want you to ask: Do these things align with who I am and what I want? What if I took a leap of faith and chose to live differently?

The goal is not to change who you are, but to be curious about who you are and what’s important to you. In this way, my approach to therapy at Stress Solutions is very existential. I like to ask big questions.

  • What drives you?
  • How do you fill your sense of spirituality?
  • What do you look for in a friend or a romantic partner?
  • Are there things that endow your life with meaning and purpose?

No matter where you are today, I am confident that the right help and support from a male therapist can help you get where you want to be. I want to walk with you on your journey of self-discovery and empower you to live true to your authentic self.

You May Have Some Concerns About Therapy For Men…

I have trouble expressing my feelings.

I’ve been where you are before. As a man, it isn’t easy to be vulnerable. Yet it’s important to remember: when you banish your emotions, they don’t vanish. The only way to improve your mental health is to get in touch with your emotions and use what you learn from them to make changes. After all, emotions are your body’s way of saying you need to act. That’s why it’s important not to shut them off.

I don’t think I have the time or money for therapy for men.

Financial concerns are totally valid and I don’t want you to overload your schedule. That’s why you get to decide what therapeutic timeline is best for you—some clients come for eight sessions, some for months, and others for years. What’s more, therapy for men can help you achieve a healthier balance in your life by reducing the amount of time you spend hung up on your stressors. This is an investment that can have benefits for the rest of your life.

Can I really improve my relationship if it’s just me coming in?

Yes, you can! There are all sorts of things we can work on, like how to bring up sensitive issues, how to feel heard and seen, and how to appreciate what your partner does. What’s more, learning to be more aware of your own feelings can help you solve communication issues in your relationship. Instead of saying things like “You don’t care about me,” you’ll learn to focus on how you feel and say “When you do X, I feel like you don’t care about me.” This subtle shift in communication can often be the difference between an argument and a peaceful conversation.

Start Your Journey Of Self-Discovery With Therapy For Men In San Diego, Califronia

If you’re a man who’s struggling to find meaning and purpose in life, I am confident that my approach as a therapist for men can help. When life is constantly telling us to dismiss men’s mental health it can be hard to reach out for the support you need and deserve. But starting therapy for men at Stress Solutions only takes these simple three steps.

  1. Reach out or call 619-881-0593 for a free phone consultation.
  2. Schedule your first appointment with me, a male therapist
  3. Start expressing your emotions and improving the relationships in your life.

Other Services I Offer in California

As a San Diego therapist, I offer several mental health services to support you and your mental health. Including stress management, anxiety treatment and trauma therapy. As well as couples therapy and marriage counseling. All of the counseling services at Stress Solutions are available through online therapy in California, Oregon, and Florida.

Contact Us Today

Free 15-Minute Consultation!

It can be understandably difficult to take the steps to get the life you deserve. We want you to know it is possible to attain this calmer, happier, and more fulfilled life. We would love to talk with you about us working together.

Offering Online Therapy In California, Oregon, And Florida