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Individual Therapy In San Diego With Jordan Zipkin, Licensed Online Therapist

Individual Therapy in San Diego, CA

Written by Jordan Zipkin, LMFT

Image of a man in a maroon shirt smiling after finidhing individual therapy for adults in San Diego, CA. If you are feeling down there is hope for you too. Start smiling at life again with individual counseling in San Diego, CA.

Are You Ready To Change Your Life?

We love working with people who are committed to improving their lives. But starting individual therapy, especially for the first time, can be scary. At Stress Solutions, we provide an empathetic and nonjudgmental space where you’ll feel comfortable and be heard.

We love helping people explore who they are and where they want to go in life. My approach to individual counseling is easy-going, gentle, and fun in order to remove the pressure and intensity that people often fear when it comes to therapy.

Together in a safe space, we’ll explore and observe what’s going on in your life. You’ll become a curious observer of your own life and learn that therapy for adults doesn’t have to be intense and scary all the time. We’ll take the time to understand what’s going on before we start attacking your problems. As you develop an interest in and curiosity about your own life, you’ll become better equipped to change it.

We have to be curious about the way things are unfolding.

As we take the time to get to know you and for you to learn more about yourself, we will still move forward every session and you’ll walk away with something tangible. It may be skill building, a coping tool, being kinder to yourself, or a technique to feel better in the moment.

Image of a person standing with arms raised in a beautiful sunset after feeling relief from individual counseling in San Diego, CA. If you have been struggling you can feel this happy too with the support of individual therapy for adults in San Diego, California.

How Individual Therapy Can Help You Feel Better

Together we’ll look at where you are now. I’ll listen to what’s going on in your life and help you become better at noticing what’s happening and how you’re feeling. You will learn to build insight and awareness of your thoughts and feelings, and notice exactly when your anxiety, depression, or emotional pain arises. As we observe what’s happening, you’ll be able to make the connections between what’s happening in your life and how you’re feeling.

After we’ve taken the time to look at what’s going in your life now, we’ll take a look at how you got here. What started it all? Did you experience anything as a child or in your past life that led you to feel the way you do now? Understanding your past helps you develop understanding and compassion for yourself, so you can begin to heal.

You can learn to love yourself.

When you have a better understanding of who you are and where you came from, we’ll be able to figure out how to move forward so you can feel better and love yourself. We’ll know what your triggers are, the symptoms, and coping skills you already have. We’ll build on those skills and I’ll give you more tools to better address your feelings and cope. These tools may include breathing exercises, meditation, visualization (closing your eyes and picturing calming places), positive self-talk and self-thoughts, or healthy communication skills.

Types Of Individual Therapy for Adults

Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety is a feeling we all experience from time to time and a normal part of life. But when those anxious feelings become frequent and overwhelming, it can interfere with your life, job, and relationships. Individual counseling can help you reduce your anxiety symptoms, be in control of your thoughts and behaviors, and live a more peaceful life.

Self-Esteem Building

Many of us struggle with low self-esteem. Whether you don’t feel good about yourself, lack confidence, or struggle with your relationships, it can be difficult to view yourself in a positive light. As online therapists, we help you to see yourself in a positive light. Therapy for adults can help you find compassion for yourself, build understanding, and develop a healthy, positive sense of self.

Depression Therapy

If you are suffering from depression, know that you are not alone. Whether you are clinically depressed or dealing with sadness as a result from an event in your life, individual therapy can help you feel better. We provide a safe space where you can get the support you need and hope you are looking for.

Trauma Therapy & PTSD Treatment

We’ve been helping people heal from emotional trauma and gain back their confidence for years. We will help you experience fewer panic attacks, maintain healthy relationships, calm your obsessive thoughts, and communicate more clearly. Individual counseling can help you heal from painful experiences so you can live a productive and fulfilling life.

Personal Addictions Counseling

Millions of people struggle with drug and alcohol addiction. As an addiction counselor, I’ve been helping people overcome addiction for years. Psychotherapy can help you be more positive, compassionate, and kinder to yourself, and beat your addiction.

Do You Have Questions Or Concerns About Individual Therapy?

Image of a bunch or rocks one of which has a "?" drawn on it showing the questions that people have about San Diego therapy for adults. All of your questions can be answered with a free consultation for individual therapy in San Diego, CA.

I’ve tried individual therapy before and it wasn’t good. How do I know this time will be different?

I’m sorry to hear that your past experience(s) with therapy have been poor. It’s very unfortunate to hear so many individuals out there sharing this sentiment.

Perhaps you feel that your past therapist did not provide you with the right diagnosis, and therefore did not help you to better understand and help yourself. Maybe you feel that your past therapist didn’t hold you accountable for your actions as you wished s/he would. It could be that you feel your past therapist just didn’t connect well with you and/or didn’t go beyond talk therapy to give you the actual skills and tools to add to your life that you so desperately wanted.

You should know that in our very first phone call and session, we look at whether you’ve had therapy before and what that experience, or those experiences, was like. We do this to make sure we properly hear from you what worked and what didn’t and do everything we can to provide you the right therapeutic experience.

Additionally, I make sure to hold my clients accountable for their behaviors, as I know this is the only way we can truly achieve lasting change. I also ensure that each week, we help you learn and practice the tools that fit your life. And, each week, we check in to see that these skills are helping you.

It’s difficult for me to afford individual therapy. What do I do?

Investing in ourselves so we can have the best future isn’t easy financially, emotionally, mentally, and physically. This is a big step you’re taking and a critical one. You’re devoting money and time to drastically improve your life and I pride myself on ensuring that every moment we work together, we move you in the direction you deserve to go: a happier, calmer, and more fulfilled life!

Start Individual Therapy in San Diego, CA.

If you are ready to live the life you want then individual counseling at Stress Solutions can help you get there. Jordan Zipkin, an online therapist in California is here to help you with whatever your mental health care needs are. In order to start therapy for adults follow these step:

  1. Contact us for a free consultantion
  2. Start working with a San Diego therapist online
  3. Feel more fulfilled and happier in your life

Other Online Therapy Services in San Diego, California, Oregon, & Florida

Besides the individual counseling services listed above Stress Solutions also offers couples therapy and marriage counseling in San Diego. All of these services are available through online therapy in California, Oregon, and Florida.

Contact Us Today

Free 15-Minute Consultation!

It can be understandably difficult to take the steps to get the life you deserve. We want you to know it is possible to attain this calmer, happier, and more fulfilled life. We would love to talk with you about us working together.

Offering Online Therapy In California, Oregon, And Florida