If you believe your childhood could’ve been better, this blog is for you. We’ll explore how a difficult past impacts us throughout our lives, as well as ways to overcome the impact of a past like this one.
If you believe your childhood could’ve been better, this blog is for you. We’ll explore how a difficult past impacts us throughout our lives, as well as ways to overcome the impact of a past like this one.
Relational Jiu Jitsu is all about sliding underneath the surface of a poorly delivered bid for connection to capture what’s most meaningful in the bid. Rather than fighting fire with fire, this is all about seeing the punches and maneuvering gracefully to the side of them.
We can either turn toward, turn way, or turn against. Our relationship future rests predominantly on which of these 3 doors we walk through and how often we choose to walk through them.
Ultimately, raising a child effectively often means putting ourselves aside. We have to do our best to consistently present as our best versions of ourselves as individuals and as partners so that our child has his/her best chance of developing in the healthiest ways. Every moment matters and your child is always watching and absorbing information, even when you might feel s/he is not.